How to write French accents.

On pc

a with grave accent
   à  ALT + 133    À  ALT + 0192

a with circumflex
   â  ALT + 131    Â  ALT + 0194

a with tréma
   ä  ALT + 132    Ä  ALT + 142

a e ligature
   æ  ALT + 145    Æ  ALT + 146

c with cedilla
   ç  ALT + 135    Ç  ALT + 128

e with acute accent
   é  ALT + 130    É  ALT + 144

e with grave accent
   è  ALT + 138    È  ALT + 0200

e with circumflex
   ê  ALT + 136    Ê  ALT + 0202

e with tréma
   ë  ALT + 137    Ë  ALT + 0203

i with circumflex
   î  ALT + 140    Î  ALT + 0206

i with tréma
   ï  ALT + 139    Ï  ALT + 0207

o with circumflex
   ô  ALT + 147    Ô  ALT + 0212

o e ligature
   œ  ALT + 0156   Œ  ALT + 0140

u with grave accent
   ù  ALT + 151    Ù  ALT + 0217

u with circumflex
   û  ALT + 150    Û  ALT + 0219

u with tréma
   ü  ALT + 129    Ü  ALT + 154

French quotation marks
   «  ALT + 174    »  ALT + 175

How to write French accents on mac

To type accents on an Apple with the option key, hold down the option key while pressing the key(s) in bold in this list. Here are the codes for a apple computer

For example, to type ê, hold the option key while typing i, then release both and type e. To type î, hold option, type i, release and type i again.

acute accent
  é   Hold option key and e then e

grave accent
  à, è, ù   Hold option key and ` then a, e, or u

  ç   Hold option key and c

  â, ê, î, ô, û   Hold option key and i then a, e, i, o, or u

  ë, ï, ü   Hold option key and u then e, i, or u

oe ligature
  œ   Hold option key and q

To type any of the above as capital letters, add shift key to the first step. So for É, hold shift key, option key, and e, then e.

French quotation marks
  «   Hold option key and \
  »   Hold option key and shift key and \

Euro symbol
     Hold option key and shift key and 2

Who to write French accents on Microsoft 2010

To add a grave accent mark (`) to a letter, such as e, press Ctrl+` (Ctrl together with the key to left of the 1 key) and then press e. The result is è.

To add an acute accent mark (´) to a letter, such as e, press Ctrl+' and then press e. The result is é.

For a complete list of the shortcut keys for adding accent marks, see the part near the end of the table